Keira Garcia
Contact: axorhopresident@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
Majors: Finance & Information Systems
"I am honored to be able to represent our chapter as President and to be able to foster a cohesive and uplifting environment. I am beyond grateful to be surrounded by real strong women each day, and I am excited to give back to our community by helping us navigate and thrive in Rho Chapter."
VP Chapter Relations & Standards
Zoya Hill-Sargizi
Contact: axorhovpstandards@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2026
Majors: Bioengineering ​
"I love being a part of the executive board and collaborating with other officers and members to help our chapter run smoothly! Alpha Chi Omega has taught me so much and I’m grateful I can give back!"

VP Finance
Sharanya Ramiah
Contact: axorhovpfinance@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
Majors: Political Science & Environmental Studies
"I am truly honored to serve as the VP of Finance and represent the incredible women of AXO. My goal is to foster full transparency and provide our members with the support they need. I am passionate about empowering women through financial education and committed to organizing our finances!
VP Risk Management
Ella Goulet
Contact: axorhorisk@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
Major: Psychology, Journalism, & Political Science
"I am honored to represent the women of Alpha Chi Omega as Vice President Risk Management! I am so excited to work alongside these real, strong women to promote health and wellness within our chapter!"

VP Ritual & Fraternity Appreciation
Maya Allen
Contact: axorhovprfa@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
Major: Psychology
"Being part of Alpha Chi is all about staying connected to the values that bring us together. I love celebrating the traditions that make our sisterhood so special and meaningful!"

VP Recruitment
Coco Liu
Contact: uwalphachi.recruitment@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
Major: Psychology
"I feel honored to be a part of our executive board and lead our chapter in recruiting new members who share the values we care most about in Alpha Chi!"

VP Recruitment Information
Laney Jordan
Contact: axorhovprinfo@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
Major: Journalism and Public Interest Communications
"I am so grateful to serve as VP of Recruitment Information on our executive board this year! I can’t wait to continue to grow our chapter with real, strong women."
VP New Member Education
Kiele Myers
Contact: axorhonewmembered@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
Major: Marine Biology
"I’m so excited to be on Alpha Chi Omega’s executive board and represent our amazing women! I’m looking forward to promoting a welcoming and fun environment, while helping our new members on their first year journey!"

VP Public Relations & Marketing
Hannah Tran
Contact: axorhopr@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
Major: Marketing & Finance
"I am so thrilled to serve as VP Public Relations and Marketing! It is an honor to share the individuality, accomplishments, and genuine love that each member brings into our sisterhood."
VP Membership Programming
Selah Krulewitch

Contact: axorhovpmp@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
Majors: Accounting
"Bringing our chapter together through sisterhoods is going to be such a special experience and I can't wait to be on the Exec Board for AXO!"

Panhellenic Delegate
Katie Barker
Contact: axorhopd@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
Major: Political Science & History
"I’m so excited to represent our chapter within our Panhellenic community!"
VP Intellectual Development
Maggie Flickner
Contact: axorhoid@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
"I'm so excited to serve and work alongside the amazing women of Alpha Chi Omega as part of the executive board! I hope to be an academic resource and look forward to recognizing all of the accomplishments of this incredibly talented group of women!"

VP Facility Operations
Margaret Leu
Contact: axorhovpfo@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
Major: Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
"I am beyond thankful our chapter has elected me as our Vice President Facility Operations! I am honored to carry this title, and eager to work with and get to know the chapter advisors better."
VP Philanthropy
Alexa de Brouwer
Contact: axorhophilanthropy@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
Major: Physiology
"I am so excited to be the head of philanthropy this year! Having the resources and ability to coordinate events and fundraisers that benefit such an important cause is so incredible. Domestic violence is something extremely prevalent in our society, and I am honored to be able to cultivate a safer and healthier environment for the people in our community."

Hayley Barney

VP Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Mia Veljacic
Contact: axorhovpdei@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 2027
Major: Environmental Public Health​
"I am so excited to represent Alpha Chi Omega and work with the rest of our executive board this year! I look forward to promoting equity and an environment of belonging within our chapter. I hope to be someone everyone feels comfortable turning to, no matter what they might need!"​​