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Winter Quarter Review // Spring Quarter Update

Writer: AXO RhoAXO Rho

Updated: Sep 19, 2022

Hi again! We wanted to publish our Winter Quarter Review/Newsletter earlier, but because of all the uncertainty in the world and in our community, we figured it would be best to hold off on a couple things as we worked to adjust to our new normal for Spring Quarter. That being said, Winter Quarter was home to so many great memories and accomplishments that we can't officially let it go without a little look back into all the fun!


Top 10 in Grades for Winter 2020

Izzy Chapel 4.0

Olivia Cooper 4.0

Tanya Nguyen 4.0 

Erykah Holland 4.0 

Darcey Crumbleholme 4.0 

Tally Williams-Gurian 4.0 

Megan Rosenau 3.97 

Michelle Ponting 3.97 

Midi Thomas 3.97

Top Grades by Major


Sarah Shaklan 3.95

Aanya Khaira 3.70

Specialized Sciences (International Studies, Poly Sci, LSJ, Speech/Hearing, Social Work)

Jaclyn O’Neil 3.87

Geeta Iyer 3.83

Toni Rende 3.80

Biology/Chemistry/Physiology/Pre-Med/Pre-Dental/Nursing/Public Health

Ellie Degagne 3.91

Missy Kappes 3.90

Adara Schneider 3.90

Lucy Yates 3.90


Hayley Barney 3.93

Cece McLaughlin 3.88

JJ Henderson 3.86


Alycia Nguyen 3.80

Joanne Boysen 3.58

Psych/Soc/Family Studies/Human Development/English/Education

Amy Krantz 3.94

Alex Crittenden 3.90

Hannah Harris 3.77

We had a total of 86 women on the Dean's List this quarter. Congrats to all on a job well done. We applaud all the hard work and time you've put forth and we are so proud of you all! Keep up the good work ladies!

Housing Appreciation Week

AXO had its Housing Appreciation week during January and we were able to give special thanks to our amazing house director, Colleen, and our talented kitchen staff. They all do so much for us and we are so grateful for them! We are so fortunate to be able to call the beautiful 4545 our home and that would not be possible without our house staff, House Corporation Board, and our VP Facility Operations, Geeta. 

We asked all Rho sisters on our Instagram (@uwalphachi) what they loved about living in and it was so cool to see MC ‘07s, ‘09s, ‘12s, and ‘14s  participate and share their favorite memories.

Leadership Academy

Hannah (President), Kendall (VP Chapter Relations and Standards), Lucy (VP Risk Management), and Julia (VP Public Relations and Marketing) flew out to Indianapolis, Indiana at the end of January for Alpha Chi Omega Leadership Academy. They got to interact with other sisters of the same positions from all Alpha Chi chapters across the country. The weekend consisted of small and large group facilitation where they had the opportunity to discuss, ask questions and hear from Headquarters staff and other industry professionals. 

During Leadership Academy 2020 I learned not only about Alpha Chi Omega risk management policies and emergency protocols, but I was given opportunities to learn from other chapters on how to improve membership experience and how to improve diversity and inclusion in our chapter! Leadership Academy was an amazing learning experience and also a great way to bond with my VP CRS, VP RM, and VP PRM.” 

-Hannah Lukomski on her experience at LAC ‘20

“I had so much fun at Leadership Academy in Indianapolis meeting women from different chapters all around the country and developing my skills as a leader. I learned so many new strategies for elevating Risk Management within Rho chapter and have been implementing creative programs throughout the quarter.”

-Lucy Yates on her experience at LAC ‘20

On the right Hannah, Lucy, Julia, and Kendall are pictured with the Alpha Chi Omega National President, Angela Costley Harris!

Healthy Relationships Week

February 10-14th marked Alpha Chi’s Healthy Relationships Week. Our VP Philanthropy, Toni, put together a presentation at the beginning of the week educating our chapter on what healthy relationships look like. During this week we partnered with UW Kappa Kappa Gamma for a sisterhood making Valentines and writing about what love means to us and also tabled in Red Square to spread awareness throughout the entire UW Community.

Winter Formal

We chose to forgo having two winter events and instead poured all our efforts into making winter formal super awesome. Special thanks to VP Risk Management, Lucy, and our Dance Chair, Maddie, for all the time and effort they spent planning this for us--they did a wonderful job!

Sisters Abroad

(R to L): Emily studied abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Morgan studied abroad in Barcelona, Spain; Julia studied abroad in London, England; Mikayla studied abroad in Sydney, Australia. All four programs were through the Foster School of Business and they were able to further their studies for their major along with lots of travel!

We missed our sisters so much while they were away, but looks like they all had a fabulous time!


Winter quarter held many sisterhoods put on by our awesome VP Membership Programing, Carly! Some of our favorites were The Bachelor viewing party and Midnight Cookies (Yum!), our Galentines Sisterhood with cute snacks as we wrote Valentine’s to our sisters, and the painting sisterhood in honor of McDowell Month! 

Hera Day

March 1st is Hera Day for Alpha Chi Omega. It is a day dedicated to our patron goddess, Hera and on this day Alpha Chi Omega’s are dedicated to help and aid the happiness and well-being of others. This year, our sisters woke up bright and early to volunteer at the Hot Chocolate 5/15k in Downtown Seattle benefitting the Make-A-Wish Foundation

Newest Members

This past quarter we were able to welcome six amazing women into our sisterhood. We have had so much fun getting to know them all and are honored they chose Alpha Chi. Towards the end of winter quarter, we had another Big/Little Reveal and got to expand some of our fams!

Newest Alumni

Congratulations to Hannah, Ellie, and Abby who all graduated this quarter! Hannah is an Education major and will be pursuing a Masters in Teaching through the Elementary Teacher Education Program at University of Washington. Ellie, a Public Health major, will be attending the University of Colorado to pursue a Doctorate of Pharmacy. Abby majored in Psychology and minored in ELS (Education, Learning, and Society) and post-grad is planning to continue working as a behavioral technician for children with Autism.Thank you ladies for all the dedication and love you’ve shown our chapter! We will miss you tons and wish you the best of luck! We know you will do great things!

Sister Shoutouts

Missy (MC 18) got into the Biology Major!

Payton (MC 19) was awarded UW Spirit’s Rookie of the Year and she and the team placed 8th in D1A at UDA Nationals this year!

Bryn (MC 18) got into the Communication Major!

Skylar (MC 19) secured an internship with Open Sidewalks--a UW research project that works on mapping cities and includes accessibility information for people and groups with disabilities!

Jana (MC 19) dropped her latest collection of UW Gameday/Spirit apparel on her Instagram shop @janasthriftflips! All pieces she handmade and are super cool and cute!

Emily (MC 17) secured a summer internship with Deloitte

Lucy (MC 18) has worked at Pure Barre for years and is now training to become a Pure Barre teacher!

For more sister shoutouts, check out our Lyre on Fire highlight on our Instagram (@uwalphachi)

Spring Quarter: What's Happening?

Unfortunately, everyone is moved out of the beautiful 4545 on 17th Ave and we miss our sisters dearly. Most of our sisters have returned home, but some girls have chosen to stay in Seattle and practice social distancing from their live-outs.

All classes are online for the quarter, as are all sorority events. We try to stay connected through virtual sisterhoods every week on Zoom that our VP Membership Programming, Carly, has set up.

In lieu of in-person chapter meeting, the Exec Board created the AXO Newscast where each officer reports live from their house every week. Paper notes are also posted on Facebook every week with more detailed information and Exec Office Hours are held every Monday at 6 if a member ever has any questions or concerns they want to address directly, or if they just want to hang out and say hi.

We are counting down the days until we can see all our sisters and have one big group hug, but until then we are doing our best to stay safe and healthy by practicing social distancing, and we hope you all are too!

Until next time!

Xoxo, Rho



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